bandwagon : When someone adopts a popular point of view for the primary purpose of recognition and/or acceptance by others; or when one only likes or agrees with someone/something due to success, or the act of dogmatically following a particular point of view or repeatedly responding in a particular way because it is fashionable, despite its logical merit.
In today's world, there is a great tendency for people to become band-wagoners. Whether it is due to peer-pressure, social norms, or a need to be or feel accepted, to blend in, or simply to join the party, the easiest thing to do is jump on the bandwagon... indeed it is nowadays a rare breed that goes against the tide...
The result of this as that like sheep, people become blind followers of whatever it is that is promoted by, or to, the masses, accepting, doing and believing whatever feels right, sounds right, or is the accepted social or cultural norm... for society is quick to persecute anyone who wants to think outside the box...
This little blog has been created to question these notions, to challenge what we take for granted... to encourage us to open our eyes, seek the truth, and see the beacon of light... and get off the bandwagon... because the bandwagon is going to hell.
Stay tuned.
masha'allah very good blog you've started brother keep it up!